Monday, December 8, 2008

Teacher Librarian Role Statement

I found this statement to summarize the role of the teacher librarian, and it contains a section on leadership. It has a lot of different expectations listed all in one spot, so it's easy to use if you need to quickly describe what it is you do in the library. The short answer is "a lot". It's also great for visual learners like me!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Webquests and the Curriculum

Here is a site that can help if you would like to try Webquests in your students but are pressed for time, or would just like to get an idea of Webquests yourself. Greater Essex County has put together a site of links to Webquests that are organized by division and subject, and that fit into the Ontario Curriculum.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The power of libraries

The Alberta Library has made four ads to show the power of library books! These four scenarios aim to show just how much influence a book can have on a person's life.